Saturday 21 September 2019
Het Noordbrabants Museum
The first exhibition ‘Vincent was here’ is on view in Het Noordbrabants Museum in ‘s‑Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. This together with the large exhibition Van Gogh’s Intimi. The exhibition shows 12 photographs from Vincent’s Brabant period.
After Karin Borghouts took photographs of the Van Gogh reproduction in her parents’ burned-out home, she became aware of her youthful memories of this painting and the influence it had had on her visual memory. Slowly a ball started rolling, and the photographer has since followed in Vincent van Gogh’s footsteps several times over the past few years. Zundert, de Borinage, Nuenen, Parijs, Arles, Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Auvers sur Oise… she looked and photographed things today that the painter had looked at, drawn and painted around 130 years ago. Karin has also made reconstructions of Van Gogh’s still lifes and photographed them.
The photographs from the North Brabant period are now on display for the first time, along with the major exhibition ‘Van Gogh’s Inner Circle’ that is being held this autumn at Het Noordbrabants Museum in ’s Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands.
21/09/2019 — 19/01/2020
Het Noordbrabants Museum
Verwersstraat 41 — ‘s‑Hertogenbosch — NL