Friday 17 December 2021 to Sunday 6 March 2022

Vincent was here was exhibitie in three rooms of the Terra Nova visitors’ centre — La Citadelle de Namur, Belgium.

This was the largest Vincent was here exhibition with around 40 large photographs.

In Musée Félicien Rops, also in Namur, the art exhibition Dans les yeux de Van Gogh was running, with works of Vincent van Gogh’s 19th century Belgian contemporaries. Karin Borghouts’ picture of the sunflowers was hangen next to a real Van Gogh.

A double entrance ticket Musée Félicien Rops — Citadel provided access. Guided visits possible.

Vincent was here

Karin Borghouts

December 17, 2021 — March 6, 2022
Namur Citadel (Terra Nova)
Route Merveilleuse 64
Namur Belgium

Open on Wednesday and Friday 1 — 5 pm and on Saturday and Sunday 10 — 5 pm.
During the Christmas and Carnival holidays, open every day 10 am — 5 pm.
Closed 24, 25 and 31 December and 1 January.

Karin was present on Sunday 9 January, 6 February and 5 and 6 March 2022.

Info Citadelle de Namur

Info Musée Félicien Rops

Tentoonstellingszicht Citadel van Namen, Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts
Tentoonstellingszicht Citadel van Namen, Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts
Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium - 2021-2022
Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium - 2021-2022
Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium
Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium
Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium
Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium
Vincent Was Here Citadelle 0009
Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium
Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium
Vincent Was Here Citadelle 0014
Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium - 2021-2022
Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium - 2021-2022
Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium
Exhibitionview Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts in Terra Nova, Citadel Namur, Belgium
Tentoonstellingszicht Citadel van Namen, Vincent was here - "Twee zonnebloemen" Karin Borghouts
Tentoonstellingszicht Citadel van Namen, Vincent was here - "Twee zonnebloemen" Karin Borghouts
"Mand met aardappelen" en boek Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts
"Mand met aardappelen" en boek Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts
Boek Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts
Boek Vincent was here - Karin Borghouts
Vincent Was Here Citadelle 4
L Avenir Namur


Route Merveilleuse 64, Namen, België

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